Biological Contaminants and Mold in a Rental Property in Canada
About a year ago (May 2014) I was invited to speak to the Ontario Region Landlords Association’ annual dinner. I It was an honor to be able to do so, as I was recognized for being an authority in the Indoor Air Quality subject matter. The following video captures my presentation.
I have spent the past 8 years (2007-2015) doing house calls; whether it was an energy audit, a proposal for new heating/cooling system, or an indoor air quality assessment. In that time I have visited over 4,000 homes and 99% of those houses had one or more indoor air quality issues. Most of the issues are things that are obvious, and easily fixed, such as high humidity, poor filtration, or little to no ventilation. All small fixes that when left alone will lead to larger issues, that cause havoc later on.
If you have mold in a rental property in Canada, whether you are a landlord or a tenant, you must watch this video. And to put it bluntly, it could save your life.
Do not take mold growth lightly. It can cause incredible problems down the road if left untouched.
Please leave me a comment and let me know if this video was helpful. I strive to educate people so that they can make informed decisions. I enjoy writing this stuff, and enjoy the feedback even more!