Tag Archives: air conditioner

It is No Secret… Energy Prices Are Rising… But we can pay less if we want to

It’s one of those facts in life… death… taxes… and Energy Prices are Rising… every day, every month, every year we’re told about how our electricity rates, our gas rates, and our even our water bills are going up again… and we’re stuck paying those high rates whether we want to or not. That’s our reality.

So we’re stuck paying high rates for energy. But we do have a choice in how much we are going to pay… What exactly do I mean?

Well as many of you regular readers are aware, I am in the business of delivery cooling comfort, among other things…. air conditioners, heat pumps, cooling equipment. It’s May in Ottawa and every day now I am out doing quotes for people for new air conditioners. This happens all the time, so I thought I would share my thoughts on why it is important to install as high efficient an air conditioner as possible.

Air conditioners use electricity to run, and electricity among other energies has one of the fastest increasing price of all the energies. Here in Ontario Canada, electricity rates have been consistently rising over the past 13 years by an average of 10% per year. Prior to 2002, electricity rates increased at an average rate of 8% per year.  What this means, is that with an average increase of 10% per year, electricity rates will effectively double every 10 years.

20141105_105004In Ontario in 2015, we have Time-Of-Use electricity rates. And so not to get into the nitty-gritty of it all… we have an average rate of 18 cents/KwH. (That is what we pay out of pocket, including taxes, delivery, debt retirement, etc). Given the fact that Ontario electricity rates have been increasing at an average of 10% per year for the past 13 years… and given the fact that the Ontario Government has told us that electricity rates will be going up 30% over the next 3 years (again 10%/year)… and because Hydro One (the Ontario Electricity Company) has been so poorly managed for so long and clearly is not getting any better, one can only assume that we will continue to trend at an average of a 10% increase in electricity rates every year from now on… and then some… but for argument sake let’s just assume 10%.

Air conditioners efficiency is rated by a SEER rating. The SEER rating, coupled to the size (example: 3 Ton, 36,000 btuh) will give us hoe much power the given piece of equipment actually draws.

Here in Ontario Canada, electricity rates have been consistently rising over the past 13 years by an average of 10% per year.

A 3 ton 13 SEER air conditioner draws 2.77 KwH. What this means is that at an average electricity rate of $0.18/KwH, you will spend $0.50/hour to run this air conditioner. That doesn’t seem like much does it…. but do the math… $0.50/hour… running on warm days an average of 12 hours/day (super hot days will be more)… okay so that’s only $6/day… but wait that’s $180/month…. or $720 for the cooling season.

A 3 ton 26 SEER air conditioner draws 1.38 KwH. What this means is that at an average electricity rate of $0.18/KwH, you will spend $0.25/hour to run this air conditioner… or $360/cooling season.

So what about when electricity rates double in 10 years. And don’t fool yourself. The air conditioner that you install today will still be running in 10 years, 15 years, and almost certainly 20 years from now.

So… 10 years from now… Take that same 3 Ton air conditioner… When electricity rates are $0.42/KwH… that 13 SEER will cost you $1675 over the cooling season… and the 26 SEER will cost just $837/year.

How about 20 years from now when electricity rates are $0.85/KwH… That 3 Ton system will run you… yes… $3390/year to run… or simply add $847 to your monthly electricity bill.

You get the point. We all have choices. Don’t just think about the bottom line now but think about the future and all the money you could be throwing away, or the money you could be putting back into your pocket… sending your kids through University, or taking an extra vacation. Over the course of 20 years the cheap air conditioner we install now may wind up costing us twice what the more expensive one costs to install.

Do yourself a favor and don’t go with the cheapest price, for the cheapest air conditioner.

What does a new air conditioner cost

These days it’s getting hot. It’s the middle of May on Ottawa, and we all know what’s coming in a few short weeks…. summer. And with summer comes hot and humid weather. Being in the heating and cooling business, our phone is ringing off the hook these days and almost everyone is asking:

What does a new air conditioner cost?

What sparked this article is a phone call that I received this past week. A fellow called me up to ask me a about a certain brand of air conditioner that I had never heard of before. I”m not saying that I know everything about everything, but I do tend to know what brands are in the marketplace.

Anyway, this guy told me what the system was, and he told what the price was that he saw online. I’m going to call this air conditioner BrandX… mostly because I con’t remember the actual brand name he quoted me… and this particular sized system that he quoted me was $614. He asked me if I could match it, and If I could then he would give me the business.

Well… first of all… $614 is not going to get you a full air conditioner up and running… not even close! It seems that with Google we are able to research everything. We can find a 13 SEER air conditioner on Ebay right? Maybe Kijiji has one too that is priced too good to be true! And how much is it going to cost you to ship it? Pay the duty?

2 stage air conditioner

2 stage air conditioner

What this guy was quoting me was an air conditioner condenser, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner…. the part we all know of as “the air conditioner”. The reality is that when installing a new A/C system, there is a heck of a lot more than just the outdoor unit.

On top of the outdoor unit, an air conditioner has and indoor unit, called an evaporator coil. Connecting the coil to the condenser is a lineset made up of insulated, copper refrigeration lines and an electrical circuit. There is also the refrigeration to consider and the electrical connection at the panel…. and everyone of these things has a cost to it. There are the incidentals too… the other things such as an electrical disconnect box, low voltage wiring… how about a new patio slab and crushed stone to place your new condenser at the side of your house…. maybe a new set of wall brackets?

Skilled Labor is not Cheap! Cheap Labor is not Skilled!

Then there’s the installation of your new system. Getting a good qualified technician to come and install a system that they did not have the opportunity to provide to you is tough. What I mean by the this is that the person you will likely find to install your “cheap system” is not someone reliable who does good work… because that highly skilled and qualified tech is working for a good firm and couldn’t be bothered to do a side job on a Saturday.

So what does a new air conditioner cost then? It is going to depend on the size of the house as naturally there are different sized air conditioners?

What does a new air conditioner cost? It will depend on the installation of the whole system. How long is and how will the lineset be run? Where is the condenser going to be located? What is the electrical situation?

What does a new air conditioner cost? There are many different efficiency air conditioners… ranging from 13 SEER to 26 SEER. A 26 SEER air conditioner is going to cost you more now, but will no doubt save you a pile of money later?

What does a new air conditioner cost? Do you want a single stage air conditioner, a two-stage, or a modulating system? What type of furnace do you have (single stage, 2-stage, or modulating) as this will dictate what type of air conditioner can be installed?

So… What does a new air conditioner cost? Call me and find out. Let me show you why we are so good at what we do. On my visit to your house, we will look at your furnace capabilities. We will discuss the options available to you, efficiency and what it really means, and I will do a load calculation. to determine the right sized system for your house. Just because a 2.5 ton system was installed in your house 15 years ago, for example, does not mean that a 2.5 ton is the right size now. We change our house, upgrade insulation and windows and alter our cooling loads.

Call me for a quote and site visit at 613-301-2112

Heating and Cooling Services in Ottawa

John Chapin


By the way… want to find out how to keep your second floor of your house just as cool as the main floor… and then keep the basement from feeling like the inside of a deep freezer?  Click on this link and see how you can cool the upstairs of your house.